IforPE Team

CySEC exams sample questions – CySEC Advanced certification

At IforPE, we know how important preparing for the CySEC Advanced certification examination is thus, we offer two free CySEC Advanced exam sample question banks.

In a previous blog post, we talked in detail about the CySEC Advanced certification to share our professional insight about the most complete qualification offered to investment services professionals in Cyprus. Within this blog post, we share our free CySEC exam sample questions for the CySEC Advanced certification.

Cutting the chase, here are two free CySEC Advanced exam sample question banks:

Both of the above have been developed by the Education team at SALVUS Funds, a boutique advisory in Europe. The purpose of the CySEC Advanced exam sample questions are to introduce the style and content of the CySEC Advanced exam to any professional that may be interested in preparing for the exam. With that said, our platform at IforPE uses cutting-edge EdTech (educational technology) to simulate the actual CySEC exam.

Furthermore, for professionals interested in a full preparation for the CySEC Advanced, SALVUS Funds has developed the following resources:

The aim of the certification preparation courses are to help CySEC Advanced exam candidates successfully prepare for the CySEC Advanced exam; becoming a Certified Person in the CySEC Public Register has a plethora of career benefits such as: landing a job at a Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) and earning promotion within a CySEC regulated entity.

For multiple years, SALVUS Funds has been successfully preparing professionals for the CySEC Advanced exam and have continuously improved their product offering. Professionals enrolling in either of The Most CompleteTM CySEC Advanced certification preparation courses will gain immediate access to:

  • Recordings of the live workshops
  • SALVUS self-study material
  • Exam sample questions at the end of each section
  • 4 mock examinations simulating the real CySEC Advanced exam
  • 1-on-1 support by SALVUS Funds
  • Certification of 20 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Get in touch
If you have any questions about how we can help fulfil your professional training needs, please contact us -
 we would love to help.

From all of us at IforPE, the Institute for Professional Excellence,
Ancora Imparo